Hi <$firstname$>,

When we reach the holiday season, particularly New Year's Day, we think about the coming year and how we will make it better than last year.

In the articles section, I've written a challenging piece on resolutions and how we use and abuse them. The idea of yearly resolutions is just the beginning. To find out more about how they work best, read the article below.

As we prepare to celebrate the end of 2011 tonight and to usher in 2012, please think about your big priorities for next year. If it is a book and you still have questions about how to make it happen, let's talk.

To get your free PDF copy of 57 Steps to Better Writing and subscribe to this newsletter, click on the book cover.

In This Issue:
Stop! Do Not Make New Year's Resolutions. Here's Why:
Are People Really Reading Less?
Where to Find Lee on the Web
Recommended Programs
Stop! Do Not Make New Year's Resolutions. Here's Why
It's one of the oldest traditions we have, so lost in the mists of time that most people have no idea that the practice extends back to Roman and maybe even Babylonian times thousands of years ago. In all of that history, resolutions have been made and forgotten, ignored, put off, or, in very rare cases, accomplished.

And that's the problem... (Read more)

Are People Really Reading Less?
We’ve heard a lot of complaints recently about the decline in reading, the fall of the book, book retailers closing down, and authors making less money.

This would seem to be a poor omen for writers to continue writing and publishing.

However, like most scare stories, there is the truth and then there is... (Read more)

How to find Lee on the web


Recommended Programs
Thank you to everyone who signed up for one of my free writing focus sessions. I will be talking to them over the next few weeks about how they can make their dream of publication come true in 2012. Watch this space for more great programs in the new year.
Learn the secrets great writers use to influence customers
Lee Pound  helps writers and speakers become the perceived experts in their markets by writing and publishing books. My protégé program gives you the skills you need today to succeed.                                                 Learn more about my protégé program here
Do You Need A Speaker?
Lee is an inspirational and motivational speaker who presents to organizations, conferences, businesses and clubs interested in learning more about skills needed to use writing and speaking as powerful marketing tools.      Learn more about my presentations
Books by Lee Pound
Profitable Social Media is the definitive guide to using social media to build your business through creating real relationships before selling your products and services. It shows you where social media fits into your marketing system and how you can use its power to attract ready buyers. To get your copy go to http://www.leepound.com

Adapt or Perish: How to Survive the Firestorm of Change in Business Leadership and Careers guides you through the pitfalls of running a business, hiring employees and finding jobs in difficult economic times. http://www.adaptorperishbook.com

Fifty-Seven Steps to Better Writing is my personal look at the writing and publishing business. You will learn how to choose a genre, how to select a publishing method and how to use the craft of writing to make your work sparkle. (See special offer above) 

Adapt: How to Survive and Thrive in the Changing World of Work shows you how to make sense of the changes in the way jobs and businesses are run in today's economy. Thirteen experts take you step by step through the process of finding jobs and changing careers. http://www.adaptsurviveandthrive.com

For my novels and lots of free audio programs, go to: http://www.leepound.com/SolutionsPressBookstore.htm

The Write Coach
4533 MacArthur Blvd., #200, Newport Beach, CA 92660
949-246-8580   lee@leepound.com  www.leepound.com

©2011 Lee Pound International LLC

This newsletter is provided as a service to those interested in improving their writing and speaking skills. I will never sell or disclose your e-mail address to any other party for any reason. All information in our files will be kept in the strictest confidence. If you wish to discontinue receiving this newsletter, please e-mail me or use the link at the bottom of this e-mail. Please feel free to forward this newsletter to anyone you think might want the information. I am an affiliate of many of the programs I recommend and may receive payment from the promoters if any products are sold.