Welcome <$firstname$>,
Its the new year and time again for that
venerable tradition, New Year's Resolutions.
If you've heard that
phrase too many times in the last few weeks, I don't blame you. Seems
like everyone with a newsletter or email list is telling you how to do
them right this year.
Let's get one thing
straight. New Year's Resolutions are simply goals dressed up with a
different name and the gloss that this is a new year and therefore a
special time to change our lives.
I have failed to achieve
New Year's Resolutions, just like most of us, because of one reason, and
its a very important reason indeed. In fact it is one of the most
important lessons I ever learned.
The fact that this is a
new year changes nothing about our lives. We fail to achieve these
resolutions because we fail to change our thinking and we fail to create
action steps.
In truth we make
resolutions all year. Most fail because they are simply statements of
what we want without a concrete plan for achieving them.
By all means make New
Year's Resolutions. But having made them, treat them like the specific
goals they are and set out the steps you will use to achieve them,
schedule those steps, budget the expenses associated with them, and go
on to success.
Story Magic Weekend,
March 24, 25, 2007
If one of your goals for
the new year is to upgrade your speaking skills, consider taking my next
Story Magic Intensive. Stories are fundamental to all speaking, selling
and personal relations skills. Here you will learn to use them in ways
that will change your life.
The first Story Magic
Intensive held last December was a great success. My next one will be
held the weekend of March 24 and 25 and will be limited to a maximum of
ten participants.
Story Magic teaches you story creation techniques in a small group setting.
These techniques can be used to create stories you can use in speeches,
writing or promotional materials. During the event, you will discover
where stories come from, you will write your own story and you will
practice delivering it orally.
Go to www.storyseminars.com
for details.
Featured Articles
in this issue:
- Powerful Characters in Stories
- News From Speak Your Way to Wealth
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