Volume 4, Number 1                January 2009

Welcome %$firstname$%,

It's traditional to make resolutions in the first few days of the new year. Seems like we all have goals we want to accomplish, tasks we want to complete or new directions we want our lives to take.

Unfortunately, we write these resolutions down and then do nothing with them. (Until the next new year, when we dust them off and do the same thing all over again.)

This year, I invite you to do it differently. First, go watch the video I just posted on my blog, http://leepound.blogspot.com. It's an inspirational message about how even in the toughest of times you can succeed.

When you finish the video, write down the five big things you want to accomplish or change in the new year. They may include trying a new marketing tactic, taking an educational seminar, making an income goal, writing a book, and so forth. Just pick your five most important items.

Next, place each of your five items at the top of a blank sheet of paper. Write out in detail the steps you need to take to accomplish these items. Be as detailed as you can.

Next, open up your appointment calendar and schedule these action steps on a certain day and time. These are your appointments with yourself to accomplish your most cherished goals. They are etched in concrete. If you need to change one, reschedule it immediately.

Then when that time arrives, close the door, turn off the phone, and do the assigned task.

If you follow this plan through the entire year you will be amazed at how much you have accomplished when you look back next December 31.

In this issue:

News From Speak Your Way to Wealth

How to Succeed in Today's Economy

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News From Speak Your Way to Wealth

We will launch the 2009 Speak Your Way to Wealth seminar in February. We will also launch a brand new event next week. Watch your email for a special announcement and invitation.

How to Succeed in Today's Economy

You've probably heard from every guru under the sun telling you how to succeed in the current troubled economy. Some of them actually have good information but many of their solutions are the same old tactics just whitewashed and presented anew with a twist.

Among this jumble of marketing messages, how do you pick the ones, if any, that are right for your situation?

First, and this is the most important step, you have to know what your situation is. If this seems a bit elementary, remember that the vast majority of people don't have a clue. They just go along from day to day, grabbing at the next attractive program that comes along without a thought as how it might actually work for them.

Keep in mind the single most important fact in business today: Competition is fierce. there are more business owners chasing fewer customers than ever before. The biggest questions those customers ask is, "Why should I hire you?" They need the product. They need to know why they should get it from you.

To succeed in today's economy, you need to stand out from the crowd of your competitors. If you think this is easier said than done, you are right.

When you look at programs that offer to help you with your marketing, ask yourself these questions:

  • Will it help me develop my unique selling proposition?

  • Will it teach me skills that make me stand out?

  • Does it offer ongoing support?

  • Is the provider of the program available?

  • Will this program help you become the expert in your market?

As you evaluate programs, remember that two powerful marketing tools are underused by the majority of business owners. These are: writing books, articles, blogs, and newsletters and speaking to groups and organizations.

If your writing skills are out of date, be sure to find a teacher who can help you write powerful sales copy, instructional materials, articles that sell, and books that establish you as an expert in your market.

If your speaking skills are rusty or non-existent, find a great speaking coach and join a Toastmasters Club. These will help you polish your presentations so you can get clients every time you open your mouth.

May this be a productive, successful year for your business.

The Vibrant Communication
Tips Newsletter

Click here to subscribe and get my e-book
Quick Reference Guide to Writing Excellence


Where Is Lee Speaking?

IMC Los Angeles Chapter Meeting: Tuesday, January 20, 4:30 p.m., Ayres Hotel, Hawthorne, CA For reservations: www.imcsocal.org


Fifty-Seven Steps to Better Writing is my personal look at the writing and publishing business. You will learn how to choose a genre, how to select a publishing method and how to use the craft of writing to make your work sparkle.

Order this book now

Do you want to learn the secrets great writers use to influence customers?

Lee Pound  helps writers and speakers become the perceived experts in their markets by writing and publishing books. My protégé program gives you the skills you need today to succeed.

Learn more about my protégé program here

Do you need a speaker?

Lee is an inspirational and motivational speaker who presents to organizations, conferences, businesses and clubs interested in learning more about skills needed to use writing and speaking as powerful marketing tools.

Learn more about my presentations


Learning to speak well requires practice. The best forum to practice is at a local Toastmasters Club. You can go to www.toastmasters.org for more information. You are invited to visit my clubs at any time. Call or e-mail for further information.

Possibilities Unlimited

Carrows Restaurant on Marguerite Parkway north of Avery Parkway in Mission Viejo, CA, Monday evening 7:15 p.m. www.putm.org


The Write Coach
4533 MacArthur Blvd., #200, Newport Beach, CA 92660
949-246-8580   lee@leepound.com  www.leepound.com

This newsletter is provided as a service to those interested in improving their writing and speaking skills. I will never sell or disclose your e-mail address to any other party for any reason. All information in our files will be kept in the strictest confidence. If you wish to discontinue receiving this newsletter, please e-mail me or use the link at the bottom of this e-mail. Please feel free to forward this newsletter to anyone you think might want the information.