Volume 4, Number 4                October 2009

Welcome <$firstname$>,

This is a busy time for me. In addition to tomorrow's teleseminar, I'll be in San Diego for Lisa Sasevich's big seminar later this week and the sailing to Mexico on Royal Caribbean, where I will be speaking three times.

Last weekend I attended the BlogWorld Expo in Las Vegas. Over six hundred of the blogging elite from all over the world attended, along with a number of celebrities. I met some great people, saw some old friends, and shot a few videos which you will be seeing on YouTube soon.

Tomorrow is my Words That Sell: How to Make Everything a Money Magnet teleseminar, starting at 1 p.m. Pacific Time.

There is still time to register for the call by going to http://www.persuasivewritingteleseminar.com.

I'll talk about how to used techniques that create an emotional experience for your readers to generate sales, new clients and new customers.

On this teleseminar you will learn:

  • The one secret ingredient every item you write must have. (Most people resist using this until I explain exactly what it does)

  • The seven-step structure that makes your writing irresistible. (Even many pros don't know this)

  • The key element that gets your reader reading. (Without this, you may as well not bother to write)

  • The one thing you must do to create the sale. (And it's not what you think)

  • The one mindset you must have every time you sit down to write. (Most writers never consider this)

Again, the link to sign up is: http://www.persuasivewritingteleseminar.com

In this issue:

Recommended Programs

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Recommended programs:

My good friends Edward Philipp and Warren Whitlock are putting on a special training on "Profitable Social Media" on Thursday at the Radisson Hotel in Whittier, California. It will be very hands on so bring your laptop or notebook. 
Edward is deeply involved in social media through Teleseminar Nation and the TwitTalk Radio show he co-hosts with Warren Whitlock, the co author of the Twitter Revolution, the first book written about Twitter and it's effect on the social media scene.

If you are afraid of Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Youtube, and other "social stuff," this workshop is a great way to learn how to use these new media to brand yourself and build new relationships and new business leads.
Because you are on my list, Edward has agreed to give you $102 discount if you use the promo code "sumo" when you sign up. 

All the details are at http://ProfitThruSocialMedia.com or call Edward at 866-396-1237 to register.

The Vibrant Communication
Tips Newsletter

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Quick Reference Guide to Writing Excellence

Where Is Lee Speaking?

Placentia Chamber of Commerce in January and a few other exciting venues to be announced. Join me there when you can.


Fifty-Seven Steps to Better Writing is my personal look at the writing and publishing business. You will learn how to choose a genre, how to select a publishing method and how to use the craft of writing to make your work sparkle.

Order this book now

Do you want to learn the secrets great writers use to influence customers?

Lee Pound  helps writers and speakers become the perceived experts in their markets by writing and publishing books. My protégé program gives you the skills you need today to succeed.

Learn more about my protégé program here

Do you need a speaker?

Lee is an inspirational and motivational speaker who presents to organizations, conferences, businesses and clubs interested in learning more about skills needed to use writing and speaking as powerful marketing tools.

Learn more about my presentations


Learning to speak well requires practice. The best forum to practice is at a local Toastmasters Club. You can go to www.toastmasters.org for more information. You are invited to visit my clubs at any time. Call or e-mail for further information.

Possibilities Unlimited

Carrows Restaurant on Marguerite Parkway north of Avery Parkway in Mission Viejo, CA, Monday evening 7:15 p.m. www.putm.org


The Write Coach
4533 MacArthur Blvd., #200, Newport Beach, CA 92660
949-246-8580   lee@leepound.com  www.leepound.com

©2009 Lee Pound International LLC

This newsletter is provided as a service to those interested in improving their writing and speaking skills. I will never sell or disclose your e-mail address to any other party for any reason. All information in our files will be kept in the strictest confidence. If you wish to discontinue receiving this newsletter, please e-mail me or use the link at the bottom of this e-mail. Please feel free to forward this newsletter to anyone you think might want the information.